Written by Jade McKee (Clean Health Online Master Coach)
Have you heard Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”?
This rings true for SO many aspects of a competition prep. Packing a bag on show day is one of them. Get it done early – at least by a day or two, BEFORE comp brain kicks in! This will ensure you are set up for success, with EVERYTHING you need ready to go on the day.
With many years of competing experience, here’s our list of what to pack in your show day bag. Whether you have a client competing, or you’re a competitor yourself, you’ll find this information very useful!
First things first – What type of bag should you use?
Ultimately it comes down to personal preference, but wheeled travel bags can be a god-send come competition day. It means one less thing to carry (and potentially mark your tan), plus your meal prep bag will often fit perfectly on top!
The main things:
- Bikini
- Stage heels
- Jewellery
- Number (if you have it already).
- If your federations requires you to wear an evening gown or theme wear, make sure these are also carefully stored and ready to go.
I know it might sound silly to have to even MENTION these, when you think it would be so obvious to pack them. But come show day – ANYTHING can happen. If you are driving to the venue so can leave things in your car – taking a spare set of these super important items would be EVEN more ideal!
Cook everything that you can the day before – so you have one less thing to think about on show day! Make sure you have EVERYTHING on your plan packed (or in the fridge ready to go), PLUS extras! You never know if the show will run late, or if you will be needing to ‘fill out’ a little more than expected before stage.
So cook up a little extra chicken, throw in that extra packet of rice cakes, honey, and that fresh tub of peanut butter! Pack water, and some electrolytes for after can be a good idea as well. Don’t forget your food scales, ice packs to keep your food cold, and some cutlery too.
All of the glam:
Even if you are having your hair and makeup professionally done, taking your own touch up kit is a must. Add in a small mirror, a comb, and some hairspray – and you’ll be ready to conquer the world!
What else might you need?
If you plan on wearing a robe for the day – add it to the bag. You’ll need clothes for after (don’t forget your wallet too, if you are heading out for a celebration dinner), and some slides to wear during the day.
Take your own pump up bands – both long and short would be handy to have, as you can’t rely on there being any equipment provided backstage for you. Take your headphones, a phone charger / power pack (just in case), and your favourite Spotify playlist ready to go! Pack some Wet Ones and a hand towel so you can clean your hands (super carefully) during the day, and a towel or blanket to lie and relax on.
And you are set to go! We hope this list helps make packing for show day simple and stress free – one less thing for you to worry about when competition day finally arrives.

To learn more about process behind stepping up on stage, click here to enrol into Dr Layne Norton’s Training the Physique Athlete online course!