Written by Online Master Coach, Jade McKee
It can be easy to go off track. You’ve been on a roll – training has been going really well, you’ve been making some really good choices when it comes to your nutrition, your clothes are fitting perfectly and you are feeling great. But one day you realise that you are just going through the motions. You’ve lost the excitement that you used to have for training, you’re paying a lot less attention to what you are eating – and unfortunately your new workout gear is starting to get a little snug!It sounds like it’s time to invest in a coach!
Here are a few ways an online coach can help YOU…
You want to work with a specific type of coach
You might have a certain interest, or a NEED, which would lead you to search for a particular TYPE of coach. Someone who specialises in a certain area. With online coaching – you are in luck. Whether it be an online coach who specialises in comp prep, hormonal health, gut issues, pre- and post-natal training, or rehabilitation. You name it – there will be an online coach who meets your needs! They could be ANYWHERE in the world, and yet will be a source of knowledge right at your fingertips.
You need help to get started
You might be a beginner, who is just starting out on your health and fitness journey. You’re keen to learn all you can about training, nutrition, and making the ‘right’ changes towards a healthier lifestyle. An online coach will be able to guide and educate you on everything you need to know – from how to perform exercises in the gym, to healthier food choices you could be making, to how you could be optimising your sleep. They will help you to build your confidence both in the gym, and in regards to your nutrition, so you become confident making these healthier choices for yourself.
You Need Accountability
As you know – it can be SO easy to go off track when you don’t have someone to keep you accountable. Having an online coach can change that, as studies have shown personal training can increase adherence to physical activity (1). Here at Clean Health, when you work with our coaches you also have access to the Clean Health App. Your personalised training and nutrition programs, along with any daily reminders you might need to stay on track, will be accessed through the app.
The beauty of this is, WE can see when you have finished a workout. WE can see when you hit PB’s in the gym (cue celebration message here). WE can see when you have missed cardio or training sessions, or have an accidental blow-out with your calories over the weekend. Having this information in real-time helps US to keep YOU on the right track, as we can step in throughout the week if we need to – to keep you focused and moving in the right direction!
More Communication & it’s Cost Effective!
When working face-to-face with a coach in your local gym, your 45min training session might be it for the week. Any questions about your form, or how to complete an exercise when an issue comes up during the week – don’t forget to ask next time!With an online coach you aren’t limited to ‘just’ your session time. Which is why you will generally purchase a ‘package’ eg 12 or 24 weeks, as opposed to weekly 45 minute training sessions. While you will have your weekly check-in’s as standard, you actually get MORE time with an online coach. You are encouraged to ask questions and seek feedback when you need it – even between your check-in times, as we want you to learn and progress, and we will educate you as to exactly WHY you are doing what is programmed for you.
Communication with an online coach can include Zoom calls – so you will still see your coach ‘face-to-face’; apps such as WhatsApp, or messaging within Trainerize for communication between sessions; and you will also submit daily biofeedback to your coach via a feedback form – keeping your coach updated on information like your daily energy, motivation, sleep and stress levels!
Sometimes your day just doesn’t go to plan. It happens. You book your PT session for 6am, but finally make it to the gym, PT session missed for the week, at 5pm. With an online coach – the time you NEED to be at the gym for your training session is the time that is most convenient for YOU. Your training plan will still be ready to go in the App, with all the data from the session then saved for your online coach to review. And thanks to Apps like Zoom and Skype – there will be no need to account for travel time each week, as your check-in’s can be done from home, work, or even from the gym. Wherever works for you!An online coach will understand how busy your day-to-day life can be. So rather than make you go out of your way – they will be there to fit in with your busy schedule, motivate you, keep you accountable, and on track to reach your goals – every step of the way.
(1) McClaran S. R. (2003). The effectiveness of personal training on changing attitudes towards physical activity. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2(1), 10–14.
(2) Chapman, L. S., Lesch, N., & Baun, M. P. (2007). The role of health and wellness coaching in worksite health promotion. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 21(6), 1–iii. https://doi.org/10.4278/0890-1171-21.6.tahp-1
(3) Killey, L. 5 Reasons why You Need an Online Coach. Accessed 14th September from https://dev.cleanhealth.edu.au/5-reasons-why-you-need-an-online-coach/
(4) Irvine, L. 7 Important Qualities of a Personal Trainer. Accessed 14th September from https://dev.cleanhealth.edu.au/7-important-qualities-of-a-personal-trainer/