Welcome to The Industry Leaders Podcast, where WBFF Pro Maria Birova chats with some of the brightest minds in the fitness industry!
Tune in as we welcome Holly Baxter-Norton who is a two-time world-level champion fitness model in the Natural Universe and Natural Olympia competitions (2015) and recently achieved pro status with the WBFF.
Holly has always placed a heavy emphasis on academia and lifelong learning having earned a degree in Food Science and a master in Dietetics. The combination of knowledge with her real-world results and 10 years of coaching experience sees her currently retain the role of Director of Nutrition for BioLayne.
She loves working with clients, producing informative content, and training other coaches to help make a positive difference in people’s health.
Tune in as we dive into unlocking the secrets to Holly’s phenomenal growth in the fitness industry, her top tips for aspiring coaches, competitors, and business owners – as well as what she is working on next!
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