The #1 Program For Coaching Epic Results With Your Clients.

For Personal Trainers Who Want To Be Extraordinary, Not Average!

1000+ 4.9

Star Student
Review Rating


Certified Globally


Gym Partners

Program Overview

Better Client Results. More Money, and More Time. It’s what you want.

But you’re unsure what EXACTLY you should do with your client programming with all the conflicting information and pseudo-science available online.

The Physique Coaching Academy (PCA) was the brainchild of fitness industry #GOATS Dr Layne Norton and Dr Bill Campbell, and within 90 days, it will have you changing your client’s lives and growing a more successful fitness business guaranteed.

Delivered via an extensive online course curriculum, it’s designed for personal trainers and nutrition coaches who don’t want to be just “good”; they want to be great.


Imagine… what your life will look like getting transformation after transformation with your clients, generating recurring referrals of organic leads to grow your business?👇

The Physique Coaching Academy Curriculum


8 Advanced Modules on Nutrition and Training

Contains The Latest Science + Prac Tools

This program will teach you the latest evidence-based literature and practical, real-world tools to accelerate your fitness career.

you will learn how to…

Why Study with US?

Clean Health is regarded as the trusted source of evidence-based fitness education for personal trainers and nutrition coaches worldwide.

We began as a PT organisation focused on getting epic results using the science of lifestyle, nutrition, and training and in 2012, we opened our first of several gyms that did over 250,000 coaching sessions over their lifespan.

During that time, we started educating PTs, and now, as an accredited fitness institute, we’ve certified over 60,000 personal trainers and nutritionists worldwide, including industry experts such as Mark Carroll and Lauren Simpson.

Today, our educators feature the who’s who of the fitness industry, including Dr Layne Norton, Dr Bill Campbell, Sebastian Oreb, Brian Mark, Dr Jackson Peos and more.

We only teach you what’s working now… not what
“used to work” like the traditional, cookie-cutter fitness institutes (You know who you are).


4.9 671 Reviews

Sam Rosier

2 months ago

These courses are exactly what I’ve been looking for! Epic advanced strategies! This course is the BEST, most comprehensive and useful course that can be studied online as a PT.

Dr. Nehal Elkoshairy

4 months ago

I’ve loved both courses I’ve taken from Clean Health Institute. They have made me more knowledgeable and a better personal trainer. Excited to take advantage of more in the future! They give you detailed plans that give clients FAST and EPIC results!

Hong Kuang Seow

2 months ago

Grateful to have learnt a ton from Clean Health courses… definitely not “run of the mill” courses. I have started using the strategies I’ve learnt and can already see a huge difference with my clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: This program is recommended for qualified personal trainers or those that have already done the Biolayne Nutrition Coaching Certification.  

A: Yes! We can get you started for the cost of a weekly PT session, and there are no program lock-in contracts! 

A: Yes, you can. It is all done via our online learning platform, zoom calls and exclusive student community.


The Physique Coaching Academy is based explicitly on Dr’s Layne Norton and Bill Campbell’s unique, evidence-based nutrition methods. 

These have been designed through years of his own real-world experience, blended with the latest cutting-edge scientific research. 

It is not a run-of-the-mill program. It’s designed to help you get results immediately whilst ensuring your clients progress safely and effectively. 

A: Of course! On top of that, you also get added to our global trainer directory as a certified Clean Health coach. 

A: Yes, you will receive over 10 CEUs with this program. 

So, What’s Next? 

You have two options… 

Option 1 is to jump off this page and continue struggling to look for a reputable mentoring program from industry leaders (Note, they don’t exist!) 


Option 2 act now and invest in yourself and your client’s future with Drs. Layne Norton and Bill Campbell, you guarantee you won’t regret it! 

Are You Ready to Become an Industry Leading Personal Trainer? 


So, What’s Next?

You have two options…

Option 1

Jump of this page and don’t resign, knowing deep down that you will regret it…


Option 2

Act now and 10X your skills and improve your business acumen and resign!


BONUS ACTIVATED – Physique Coaching Academy Certification

Pay Upfront & Save
USD $1,197.00 USD $897.75
4 Monthly Installments
USD $389.00 USD $291.75
Total USD $1,167.00

BONUS ACTIVATED – Physique Coaching Academy Certification

Pay Upfront & Save
USD $1,197.00 USD $897.75
4 Monthly Installments
USD $389.00 USD $291.75
Total USD $1,167.00

