Clean Health & NASM International Personal Trainer Specialist

Thrive As a Fitness Coach Across The Globe With The World’s Leading Online Personal Training & Coaching Qualification

Become a fully-qualified PT and receive your SIS30315 Certificate III and SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness – along with extra certifications that allow you to coach clients worldwide. Designed in collaboration between Clean Health and NASM, this online program gives you accreditation as a PT in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK.

We give you the tools you need to become a global leader in the field of fitness.

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.


Years of combined experience


Fitness students educated globally


Transformations For Happy Clients


Countries served through programs

We’re The New Standard For The Fitness Industry

“I highly recommend Clean Health to anyone that is wanting to start out in the fitness industry or is already in the fitness industry wanting to learn more.”

Lauren Simpson

Clean Health Graduate & WBFF Pro
Bikini Pro World Champion


Laura. M. Canada

Really good course. Not too technically worded. The short videos helped as well with lots of diagrams and explanations. I looked forward to doing a bit each day.

Jennifer, H, Australia

Amazing course! Top information quality. This course is very useful for personal trainer and strength coach. A must for everyone in the fitness industry.


Ingrid, P. Australia

An excellent and VERY thorough course, was definitely worth it. The layout was perfect in order to learn and absorb the information and the test your knowledge questions at the end of each module was ideal to retain all the knowledge I needed.


Ryan, L Australia

I simply would not study anywhere else.

Start Your Journey To a Worldwide Career In Personal Training

Have you ever thought about starting a career as a personal trainer? Are you passionate about health and fitness, and want to help others achieve their goals? Or maybe you’re just interested in learning more about health and fitness?

By becoming a qualified personal trainer, you can make a lasting impact on the health of your clients, and finally turn your passion for fitness into a full time career. 

But, to achieve lasting success in the fitness industry and enjoy the lifestyle you crave, you need a qualification that takes you beyond the basics.

With the International Personal Trainer Specialist Program from Clean Health and NASM, you not only receive your SIS30315 Certificate III and SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness, we provide additional certifications PLUS hands-on guidance from world-class coaches – 100% flexible and online.

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Become a professional PT with a SIS30315 Cert III and SIS40215 Cert IV qualification

Benefit from 3 additional certifications to coach fitness and nutrition abroad

Learn from some of the world’s most respected fitness industry leaders

Complete modules online from the comfort of your own home

Qualify in as little 9 months with the ability to study at your own pace for up to 2 years

Finding An Internationally-Recognised Course To Start Your PT Journey Opens Up a Whole Host of Opportunities...

If you’re thinking about kick starting or changing careers, we understand that it can be a stressful, complex and time consuming process. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed – and, if you’re exploring the possibility of becoming a PT, you need to know that you’re getting the best education and support possible from a trusted training provider.

One of the best things about working as a PT is freedom – both professionally and personally. But unfortunately, many RTOs don’t give you the option to work outside of Australia, limiting your career and business potential. If flexibility is important to you, why not start your career with a course that equips you to serve your clients globally?

At Clean Health, we make the pathway to becoming a qualified, industry-leading and globally-accredited personal trainer a whole lot clearer. Our team of world class trainers will help you turn your passion for fitness into a full-time career that can be done from practically anywhere in the world.

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Our International Personal Trainer Specialist Program Prepares You For a Successful Career as a PT So You Can Deliver Outstanding Results For Your Clients Across The World

We’ve helped thousands of people find professional fulfilment in fitness. Through a wide range of qualifications and certifications – and some of the best coaches on the planet – we’ve launched the careers of some of the most respected PTs in Australia (many of whom had no real fitness experience before starting out). This industry is highly competitive and difficult to break into successfully. But we believe you can turn your passion for health and fitness into a lasting career – just like so many of our previous students have managed to do. You just need a reputable, reliable personal training course that can help you…
Coaching woman

Qualify as a personal trainer worldwide

Get your PT accreditation from a registered training organisation and one of the most advanced PT qualifications in the world. Go beyond the bare minimum and achieve your accreditation in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK.

Feel fulfilled in your career

Take your passion for health, fitness and nutrition and make it your full-time job. Build a meaningful career around what you truly care about, and get paid good money to help people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Control your time and money

Create your own fitness career that gives you total financial and personal freedom. Choose your own hours, work with clients you want to work with and travel the world while you do it. Scale your business (and your prices!) as you build your brand.

Change lives for the better

Wherever you are, make a genuinely positive impact on the people around you. Share your fitness knowledge to take your clients from where they are to where they want to be. Watch their transformation and know that you played a huge role.

Become a recognised leader in the fitness industry

Follow in the footsteps of the world’s most in-popular strength coaches and build your brand in the fitness industry. Combine your qualifications and certifications with your love of strength to become a go-to expert in the field of fitness.

Sounds like something you’re interested in?


The International Personal Trainer Specialist Program

The World’s Leading Online, Evidence Based Training Qualification!

With this internationally-recognised program, you’ll receive everything you need to qualify as a PT in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK – fully accredited and ready to turn your passion into a profitable and sustainable career in the fitness industry.

By the end of the program, you’ll have taken in decades of industry knowledge and fitness experience from our world-leading coaches – and you’ll leave as a qualified PT with the skills to survive and thrive with your own PT business.

Whatever your targets may be, you can use your new qualification however you see fit – even if it’s just developing your own fitness in your free time!

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

This Is So Much More Than Just a Qualification...

We’ve seen a lot of SIS30315 Cert III and SIS40215 Cert IV PT courses out there – and they’re often nothing more than box-ticking exercises. At Clean Health, we knew we needed to provide real-world training that gave you a pathway to become an effective PT with skills you can carry forward into your new career.
That’s why, when you become an International Personal Trainer Specialist with us, you’ll receive much more than the basic Cert III and IV qualifications.
This program equips you with everything you need to succeed in this industry – worldwide!

Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

The Personal Training Program Built For International Success!

Here’s Everything You’ll Learn With Us…

Qualification 1: Certificate III in Fitness - Gym Instructor (SIS30315)

Start your PT journey with one of two core qualifications! Learn how to assess and screen clients so that you can design effective, results-based programs in a group exercise setting. Understand anatomy and physiology of the human body and how to prescribe exercises based on client limiting factors. Audit, identify and optimise workplace conditions effectively in sport, fitness and recreation environments.
1 SISFFIT001 Provide Health Screen and Fitness Orientation
2 SISFFIT006 Conduct Fitness Appraisals
3 SISFFIT005 Provide Healthy Eating Information
4 SISXCCS001 Provide Quality Service
5 SISFFIT004 Incorporate Anatomy and Physiology Principles into Fitness
6 SISFFIT003 Instruct Fitness Programs
7 SISFFIT002 Recognise and Apply Exercise Considerations for Specific Populations
8 SISFFIT014 Instruct Exercise to Older Clients
9 SISFFIT011 Instruct Approved Community Fitness Programs
10 SISFFIT007 Instruct Group Exercise Sessions
11 SISXCCS006 Facilitate Groups
12 HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health and Safety
13 BSBRSK401 Identify Risk and Apply Risk Management Processes
14 SISXFAC001 Maintain Equipment for Activities
15 SISXIND001 Work Effectively in Sport, Fitness and Recreation Environments
16 HLTAID003 Provide First Aid (This unit is not included)

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Qualification 2: Certificate IV in Fitness - Personal Trainer (SIS40215)

Expand your knowledge with the second of two core qualifications! Understand exercise principles and how to utilise them to create short and long-term programs for general population clients. Learn how to properly coach and cue key exercise movements required to facilitate personal training services. Find out how to set up your personal training business or relevant career path as a fitness professional.
1SISFFIT018Promote Functional Movement Capacity
2SISSFIT025Recognise the Dangers of Providing Nutrition Advice to Clients
3SISSFIT026Support Healthy Eating Through the Eat for Health Program
4SIISFIT016Provide Motivation to Positively Influence Exercise Behaviour
5SISSFIT015Collaborate with Medical and Allied Health Professionals in a
6SISFFIT019Incorporate Exercise Science Principles into Fitness
7SISFFIT017Instruct Long-Term Exercise Programs
8SISFFIT023Instruct Group Personal Training Programs
9SISFFIT021Instruct Personal Training Programs
10SISFFIT020Instruct Exercise Programs for Body Composition Goals
11SISFFIT013Instruct Exercise to Young People Aged 13 to 17 years
12SISSSTC301AInstruct Strength and Conditioning Techniques
13SISSSTC402ADevelop Strength and Conditioning Programs
14ICTICT203Operate Application Software Packages
15SISXIND001Work Effectively in Sport, Fitness and Recreation Environments
16SISXRES001Conduct Sustainable Work Practices in Open Spaces
17BSBSMB401Establish Legal and Risk Management Requirements of
18BSBSMB404Undertake Small Business Planning
19BSBSMB403Market the Small Business
20BSBSMB406Manage Small Business Finances

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Check Out These Added Certifications - Exclusive To Clean Health and NASM - To Enhance Your PT Career At Home & Abroad 👇

Certification 1: NASM’s Certified Personal Trainer
(International Personal Trainer)

Explore six additional course sections designed to enhance your skills as a PT. Learn more about fitness in modules covering Professional Development and Responsibility, Client Relations and Behavioural Coaching, Applied Sciences and Nutritional Concepts, Assessments and Exercise Technique and Training Instruction.

Certification 2: NASM’s Certified Nutrition Coach (Nutrition Coach)

Understand how to increase success for your clients through 24 in-depth chapters covering Nutritional Science, Behaviour Change Strategies and Nutrition Coaching. Learn the relevant knowledge and abilities you’ll need to design and deliver top-quality, individualized nutrition coaching for your clients.

Certification 3: Program Design Mastery (Specialist Personal Trainer)

Learn a tried and tested system for achieving world-leading performance and body recomposition for your clients – from the general population all the way to Olympic medallists! Get a simple process you can use from the very first consultation with your client that will guarantee success with the majority of people you work with.

Plus, Receive a 6-Month Subscription To
iNutritionPRO Software

(Usually $65/month)

When you join International Personal Trainer Specialist, we open up our revolutionary software for diet program design for you to use alongside your core qualifications and certifications. Built by PTs for PTs, iNutritionPRO helps you provide a better service to your clients and create calorie-specific, structured diets in minutes!

A large number of our previous students say this software was key to launching their own profitable fitness business. So, if you’re on the path to become a PT, strength coach or nutritionist, this software is designed to create professional diet and nutrition plans for your clients – regardless of location, age, health or fitness level.

iNutritionPro Software
Once you complete Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1 (PNC1), you are fully insured to provide diet and nutritional programs with iNutritionPRO!*

*This is for Australian residents only with insurance provided by a third party. If you want to use iNutritionPRO, you’ll need to submit an application!

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Clean Health Is One of Australia’s Top Fitness
Industry Educators

Here’s Why So Many Personal Trainers Choose To Qualify With Us…

More than anything, you need to feel as if your chosen program is going to ensure your success as a personal trainer for the long term. Not only will you finish the Cert III and Cert IV qualification – but we’ll also take you beyond the core requirements so you can feel comfortable and confident in your career in fitness and nutrition.

Advance past the base level of training most registered training organisations provide, and receive the tools and skills you need to become an industry-leading PT who adds real value to your clients. Our additional certifications and coaching gives you the opportunity to build a career in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK.

Clean Health Is One of Australia’s Top Fitness Industry Educators

More than anything, you need to feel as if your chosen program is going to ensure your success as a personal trainer for the long term. Not only will you finish the Cert III and Cert IV qualification – but we’ll also take you beyond the core requirements so you can feel comfortable and confident in your career in fitness and nutrition.

Advance past the base level of training most registered training organisations provide, and receive the tools and skills you need to become an industry-leading PT who adds real value to your clients. Our additional certifications and coaching gives you the opportunity to build a career in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK.

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Here’s Why People Everywhere Trust The International Personal Trainer Specialist Program From Clean
Health & NASM…

It goes a step beyond qualification

With this program, you don’t just get a piece of paper at the end. Sure, you get your qualifications, but you can actually back up your PT status with knowledge learned from top-quality trainers. We prepare you for a lucrative and rewarding career in personal training that delivers results for your clients at home and abroad.

Industry Experts

It’s run by industry experts

Gain knowledge from some of the most well-renowned fitness instructors across the globe. From world-renowned nutritional scientists, Dr. Layne Norton PhD and leading sports and exercise professor, Dr. Bill Campbell PhD to the most in-demand strength coach in the world, Sebastian Oreb (AKA The Australian Strength Coach) and more, joining this program gives you access to the brightest minds in the fitness space.

Trainers for Trainers

It’s built by trainers for trainers

All Clean Health, each and every one of our courses are based on years of learned experience (and founded on scientific evidence!) to help you become the best personal trainer you can be. Once you qualify, you’ll have all the knowledge to make a hugely positive impact on your clients in whatever speciality you choose.

Nutrition Advice

It can insure you to deliver nutrition advice

This program goes beyond just personal training. By completing NASM’s Certified Nutrition Coach course – and gaining access to our iNutritionPRO software – you can apply for insurance to provide diet and nutritional programs on top of your original services. You’ll have even more to offer and even better results to show for it!

And what our students value most…

It’s built to help you follow your passion for fitness!

When you complete the course, you’ll be able to start your own business or work at gyms, health clubs and spas, fitness studios, cruise liners, resorts, and other fitness-related businesses around the world. The possibilities are practically endless.

We’re here to bridge the gap between where you are right now (maybe it’s a dead-end job) and where you want to be (working as a PT or running your own fitness business). Hey – even if you don’t want a fitness career and just want to have a bit of fun learning about health and nutrition – you’re in the right place!

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Passion for Fitness

Once You’re In, You’ll See All of These Incredible Benefits & More!

Qualify as a PT with SIS30315 Cert III and SIS40215 Cert IV in fitness

Become accredited to work in Australia, the USA, Canada and the UK

Develop the skills you need to thrive in the fitness industry long-term

Learn directly from some of the best fitness coaches across the world

Complete the course online from your own home and in your own time

Deliver an outstanding service and change your clients’ lives

Feel total freedom and fulfilment in what you do for a living

So… Now’s The Time To Take a Moment & Ask Yourself THESE Questions…

Are you fitness focused and want to expand your own health knowledge?

You’re regularly at the gym working out or joining classes. You want to learn more about what keeps you healthy and focus on your own development.

Are you considering starting a career as a personal trainer worldwide?

Qualifying as a PT is something you’ve seriously thought about and you think now might be the right time to take the next step on your journey.

Do you want to work flexibly with more control over your schedule?

You want more freedom to work on your terms in a way that suits your specific needs and current commitments. You want the option to travel the world.

Would you like to earn good money doing something you love?

You have responsibilities that require a solid income, but you want to earn your paycheck with a smile on your face – not dreading Monday mornings.

Do you enjoy working with or coaching other people?

You want to start a career that lets you change the lives of individuals who want to stay happy and healthy through optimal fitness and diet routines.

Are you looking for a course that gives you everything you need to succeed?

You’re not 100% sure about what makes a great PT program but you know you want to make sure you qualify with more than just the bare minimum.

If you answered ‘yes!’ to any of the above, The International Personal Trainer Specialist Program is the right course for you…

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

Imagine, In Just a Few Months, Qualifying as a Personal Trainer Knowing You Can Work In Australia, The USA, Canada or The UK & Build a Hugely Successful Fitness Career From The Ground Up...

With Clean Health and NASM’s International Personal Training Specialist course, it’s possible. Book a free consultation with one of our advisors to find out more about the program and how it can help you follow your passion for fitness. Our friendly, experienced team will share some advice and guide you through the next stages.

*Speak to one of our advisors, no sleazy sales pitch. Promise.

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