The #1 Online Evidence-Based Nutrition Certification!

Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1

Become an Expert Nutrition Coach

Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1

With this exclusive, internationally-recognised program, you get everything you need to become a nutrition coach. By the end of the course, you’ll have learned decades of industry knowledge and nutrition experience from our world-class educators.

The PNC certification integrates years of expert personal training experience with the latest cutting-edge science in the field of nutrition and physical wellbeing.

The result? You will be able to create world-leading results with personal training clients and athletes for fat loss, hypertrophy, sports performance, well-being, and more.

What are you waiting for?

It’s Time To Unlock Your Potential as a Fitness Coach

Do you want to take your career in fitness to the next level? Are you passionate about health and nutrition and want to spend your time helping others achieve their goals? Or maybe you just want to learn more from experts about what to put in your own body?

Whatever your goals may be, this online nutrition course is perfect for personal trainers, strength coaches, health professionals and fitness enthusiasts. Add more skills to your toolbox through the best possible online nutrition education…

Learn a step-by-step system to create results-driven diet plans.

Complete 8 Nutrition Modules To Enhance Your Fitness Career

Learn from some of the world’s most respected nutrition coaches

100% online, self-paced study. Anywhere, any place, any time.

Get access to 70+ lessons created by the leaders in the fitness industry.

Here's What You'll Receive
When You Enrol Today 👇

Course Details

The Most In-Depth Nutrition Coaching
Certification In The World!

Here’s Everything You’ll Learn In Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1

The Obesity Epidemic

Build a stronger foundation for your nutritional advice, as you develop a skilled understanding of obesity as a condition, and its causes, implications and remedies.


The Art of Nutrition Coaching

With an understanding of consultation styles, goal setting and training techniques, you can connect with your clients more deeply and deliver a superior service.


The Fundamentals of Macronutrients

Learn the science behind the macronutrients, including in-depth look at your proteins, carbs, fats, water and how they influence body composition.


Base Nutritional Program Design

Discover how to design scientifically-grounded nutrition and diet programs safely and effectively. Maximize client results in a systematic manner


Understanding Popular Nutrition Systems

Explore and break down each nutritional system so you know when or when not to apply them depending on client physiology, goals and overall psychology.


The Art of Nutritional Periodization

Learn the Zig-Zag cycle, micro-cycles, macro-cycles, undulating periodization and how to structure diets to maximize client goals.


Understanding Micronutrients

Find out about the science behind micronutrients – including what they are, how they work and how they influence client results.


Building your Nutrition Coaching Business

Learn how to take this knowledge and build a successful nutrition coaching business within 4 weeks.

Become an Expert Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

It’s time to take your career to the next level and serve your clients like never before. Level up now 👇

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